9-11 Tenth Anniversary: No Faith Leaders Please
August 25, 2011

No Faith Leaders Allowed At 9-11 Anniversary Proceedings in September

Dear Mayor Bloomberg:

It’s very simple.

Americans are a believing people.   Especially the massive numbers of Americans whose lives were devastated September 11, 2001.  Perhaps you believe the whole “religion thing” will just get out of hand.  For instance who gets to lead  a special prayer and who doesn’t?  Is Islam represented?  How about Agnostics?  Atheists?  Buddhists?  Baptists,  Catholics, even Mormons for heaven sake, the whole DISTRACTING bunch.

Should such an important observance really be treated like a City Council Meeting?  But wait, even many local City Council Meetings start with a prayer, as does the House and Senate when they convene everyday in Washington.

It isn’t too much trouble in those corridors.

How you and the City of New York, think this is going to stand with Brooklyn’s  Irish Catholic mothers just a mile or two away, is beyond us.

Mostly, your decision shows dire insensitivity, Mr. Mayor.  Never have we  hungered more to be connected to one another or to feel connected to something bigger than ourselves since the senseless 9-11 terrorist attack on America.  This isn’t a moment where we separate over our unique differences.  It is a time for reveling in our customs of gratitude and hope.

It was a belief in a greater power and a greater justice which got us through then, and there should be room for it now.


The Kitchen Cabinet


FOX NEWS has the story.



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