Cleveland Voter Fraud Billboard..PULLED DOWN
October 22, 2012

The message….is RIGHT. Only cheaters would be offended!

PERFECT.  Just PERFECT.  This billboard has been challenged and overturned by civil rights activists in Cleveland, one of the U.S. cities in America with a long history of VOTER FRAUD.

Over a hundred and forty of these billboards have been posted in the Cleveland area as a “reminder” to the community, dominated by voters on government assistance, that voter fraud is a FELONY.

It’s no wonder.

The City of Cleveland is viewed as one of the most corrupt in the U.S.  Ohio election law requires a voter to show identification at the polls, but NOT picture I.D.   Get the idea?  This is why the GOP expects the Obama campaign to focus the lion share of its Ohio Get Out The Vote efforts  smack dab in the center of Cleveland!  It’s the largest county in Ohio, and the most Democrat of all Ohio counties.

Enough said? 30 million on Obama’s Facebook, one million cell phones on the ground in Ohio. Do we need to paint you a picture?

One million Obama cell phones, many paid for by taxpayers, have been located on the ground there. The GOP is accustomed to seeing Democrat operatives bring busloads of out-of-state voters equipped with local utility bills as proof of identity, to the Cleveland Board of Elections.  That’s a place where a stranger can vote and go unnoticed.  Much less personal than a local precinct.

But those in favor of free and fair elections can’t run a campaign to challenge voter fraud?  The VOTING IS A RIGHT NOT A CRIME billboards have to come down, according to an Ohio judge.  Here’s more from the CBS affiliate there:

“An outdoor advertising company says it is pulling down voter-fraud billboards in two swing states after complaints that they were meant to intimidate voters.

A group of civil rights attorneys and a Cleveland city councilwoman had complained that the billboards were meant to discourage lawful voting, especially by blacks. Polls have shown that black voters heavily support Democratic President Barack Obama.

Cleveland, Ohio is rich in voter fraud history.

Clear Channel Outdoor says some 145 billboards in Cleveland, Columbus and Milwaukee are being taken down.

The billboards warn: “Voter Fraud Is A Felony!” punishable by up to three and one-half years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Clear Channel Outdoor has refused to identify who is behind the billboards. However, the company says it decided the billboards violate its policy against anonymous political ads.”



16 Responses to “Cleveland Voter Fraud Billboard..PULLED DOWN
October 22, 2012

  1. Honesty & Communism have never known to be good bed partners. Dems have sold out to this ideology and could care less, as long as they win. Scary thought that Criminals can steal elections, as they are the LAST people we want in office!

  2. How my tax dollars are going to support Obama phones seems to me to be a violation of my rights! I didn’t give my approval to use my tax dollars to support Obummers cell phone program right before the election! How convenient is that for Obama to use millions in tax payer money to further his election standing?

  3. We need Voter ID

  4. Bush started the phone program not Obama and it’s not government run 

  5. Where are the Black Veterans on this BS? AWOL!

  6.    My tax dollars should nnot be spent on others personal cell phones and this a violation my rights and my tax money shpould not be spent in this manner.          
       Criminals can steal elections and this criminal act should be and must be stoped.    You can not have a democratic republic if this criminal act is continues.  That is the way they do it in Russia or Venzuela.  

  7. voter fraud is the only way obama can win…the dems know it…God help this awesome country…

  8. If they cannot be anonymous, then I will gladly throw my name on everyone of them and say that I believe in the right ot vote but voter fraud is a felony.

    There.  Now there is a name to put to them.  Keep them up. 

  9. I agree with Rob Young,Since when is it ok for him or any other use Our tax Dollars to support his 2nd term if he should be able to get one.
    And for a fact we don’t need him a 2nd time around,he has done enough Damage to our Country in these 4 Years,and If he get’s a 2nd term get ready for a lot if not all our Freedoms to go down the T… We just want have any Rights…Can’t these people see that or Do they just not care…
    I care about having the right to speak my mind on what ever I choose.I just can’t believe these people are not looking at the big Picture of what we are in for if he get’s another term.They don’t seem to even see what this man has already done let alone care what he dose as long as they get a Dem.. back in the White House.
    Let me tell U I matters ,People Need to wake up and smell the Coffee before there is no Coffee to Smell ,I mean Look at what is happening in the schools kids are saying they don’t get enough to eat because Mrs.Obama has stuck her 2 Cents in..
    What else will she/he decide we don’t need? I Just can’t believe people don’t Care what they the Obama’s do along as they are a DEM..
    Wake Up !!!!

  10. I have said from the moment I learned of the MASSIVE drop of ObamaPhones in Cleveland that they are going to try to use these to coordinate voter fraud.

    Is it possible that they could be planning to use these phones GPS to direct “voters” from one precinct to another to multiply the votes? Could they do that and get away with it in an extremely Democrat area like that, where perhaps the powers that be not only won’t care, but will go along?

    Anyone who knows Cleveland’s precincts want to comment?  

  11. What ever happened to freedom of speech? A Judge orders take down the billboards. Ask for a stay and Apeal this order to the next higher court and before anything can happen the election will be over. This is not right nor legal. Why wouldn’t everyone especially judges who should know the Constitution and the election laws would have a problem warning people not to violate any laws including election fraud. Why, would that bother anyone? Unless they want to encourage this illegal action.

  12. Contact and become a poll watcher

  13. The original phone program was initiated when the 911 emergency number was put into place. Like some government programs it started out with a good purpose, but was stolen by corrupt politicians desiring votes… The original program was for land lines only and no long distance!!! Poor homes that could not afford telephones needed access to 911… but how it has gone from a land line to free cell phones with 300 and in some states 500 free minutes… only corrupt politiicans can tell you. The original program had a one million dollar budget and now that we are giving away free cell phones it has spiralled to over 30 billion dollars and is 8 billion dollars in California alone!!! and the lady on television with the 30 free government cell phones is typical of all government programs riddled with coruption and fraud… We need to go through every program and every agency and eliminate fraud, corruption and duplication!!!

  14. this entire article is a lie, all of it is a lie, and the picture is NOT the picture that was ordered to come down.  keep fulling stupid people – that is all you intend to do.

    what kind of person intentionally lies like this? 

  15. Tell Drudge and its billion readers. That’s where we sourced it!


  16. First of all the Dredge is not reliable and it is read by maybe 1.5 million people a month no where near a billion. Secondly Clear Channel made the decision to take down the billboards it was not court ordered. Third yes there is free speech, but a billboard is private property. You want to put whatever you want buy or build your own. Fourth 1 million phones were not dropped in Ohio. That is the total number of people getting the subsidy, which has been around since the 80’s, in th state. Lastly tax dollars do not pay for it. It is paid for by a fee on your phone bill. Don’t want to pay it? Get rid of your phone. Seriously the only people who have been caught voter tampering or committing voter fraud this year have been GOP people so please get your facts straight.