The Preparation To Be President
December 11, 2011

Seal of the President of the United StatesRick Perry stumbled again this week in a meeting with the Editorial Board of the Des Moines Register.  He didn’t know how many justices are seated on the Supreme Court, and was sketchy on the name of Sonia Sotomayor, one of Obama’s appointments to the high court.  Now, many of us would have to stop and think before naming all the justices on the Supreme Court.  However, we’re not running for President of the United States.  (By the way, there are NINE justices on the Supreme Court.  Did you think there were only seven?)

Before Herman Cain’s public exposure of past behaviors, whether you think them real or imagined by the women who came forward, (and we think they’re real), he also demonstrated that in a private, one-on-one conversation with a group of newspaper editors in Minnesota, he couldn’t offer a cogent discussion about the pressing issues in Libya.

The Kitchen Cabinet believes that Americans are, in some ways, being treated to a field of candidates which should be leaner.  The media’s hunger for ratings, has put liberals in the driver’s seat when it comes to selecting the participants in GOP Presidential debates.  The GOP, or the RNC are not choosing the participants.  THE MEDIA IS.

The dialogue was interesting in the beginning.  But the cross-stage sniping and competition for airtime has really benefited the MEDIA, more than voters.

Mitt Romney & Newt GingrichAsk yourself.  Who would be on the stage, actually commanding the attention of voters if standards for participation were set?  Herman Cain was surprised by his success in the debates, and was actually more committed to his book tour than to his campaign tour!  Looking back, was Herman Cain well-versed enough in foreign affairs to be seriously considered presidential material in such dangerous times?  Did he have more experience in governing than Barack Obama?  Not really!

Rick Perry has the government experience, but has he demonstrated any command of foreign policy?  Voters seem to be fleeing from his effort, simply because he does not inspire confidence when faced with basic questions about the economy or foreign affairs.

Were there too many on this stage last night?

Perhaps the GOP should set standards of participation which permit a large field to participate in regional debates, but doesn’t automatically give the national stage to just ANYONE?  That doesn’t mean that unknowns can’t run for president, but if “anyone” can be elevated to national debates, why not…you?  Standing in polls, Primary success, and preparation, seemingly should be required.

We live in a time when directing The White House is like running a $7 trillion operation.  We’re a long way off from grazing sheep in front of the Executive Mansion, as was done during the Lincoln administration.  A certain level of skill is necessary, as we have learned since 2008. Otherwise, Americans are treated to a circle of “advisers” including people like Rahm Emanuel, who are actually running the country.

People…no one voted for.



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