The American Enterprise Institute Weighs In On Romney’s Earnings
January 24, 2012

The Romney's Are Willing To Serve...But Is It Worth It? Are The Attacks Worth it?

Another view of Romney’s taxes.  From professionals.  You can read the entire article, which is truly informative at the link below.

“A few initial thoughts:

1. So as it turns out, less than a third of Romney’s annual income is from carried interest, the performance fee that fund managers charge that is taxed at the preferential 15 percent capital gains tax rate.

2. Romney paid 16 percent of income in charitable giving the past two years. Wow, that is a lot. The studies I’ve seen put the annual figure for the average American in the 2-4 percent range.

3. Romney’s effective tax rate is around 15 percent. Even including payroll taxes, Romney pays a higher effective tax rate than 60 percent of Americans. Here are average effective tax rates in 2010 for various income groups (via the Tax Policy Center):””



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