Occupy Wall Street: A Farce Engineered By 2012 Strategists
October 20, 2011

Los Angeles Version of Occupy Wall Street Could Be Occupy...Anything

There is a “hint” of realism in the Occupy Wall Street … movement … as they try to call it.   The entire thing is fake.  Dreamed up by Democratic political strategists with an eye on creating ANY distraction from what’s going on in The White House.  Mix in national news folks hungry for any story, especially one built on a liberal agenda, and you have Occupy Wall Street.

There’s a more quiet, strategic agenda behind the weak national spattering of protests.  The Democratic National Committee, union leaders and Obama strategists are gearing up for 2012 and are quietly trying to create class warfare to build a great divide between Americans and a special distrust for any presidential candidate bearing the real skills to save our national economy.

How hard is it to rile up a bunch of college kids in lower Manhattan?  Why are the unions suddenly organized behind it and demanding their members populate the protests?  How did Occupy Wall Street rapidly become a  laughable “non-profit” organization?

What's The Real Agenda?

Occupy Wall Street is “spreading” across America because Democrats are calling in markers among union leaders who benefited from Obama handouts and bailouts.  The Democrats are counting on class warfare because it is the only smokescreen with enough drama to distract their followers from their paychecks.

Today, Los Angeles City officials are claiming that $400,000 worth of damage has been left behind in downtown L.A. after protestors gathered under the guise of Occupy Wall Street.  As many were bearing signs promoting Mexican independence, gay rights, and various religious proclamations.  Please forgive, but we thought it was about the economy.  About evil job makers on Wall Street.  And of course, the even more evil 53% of taxpayers who are carrying many of these protestors on their backs.


The Democratic National Committee and Barack Obama’s 2012 political team already believe they will be facing Mitt Romney next Fall.  No better way to start building hatred for GOP candidates with business experience than to stereotype them as one of the Wall Street thieves.

We support peaceful, public protests.  Occupy Wall Street has no CORE.

Tea Party Protests?  How much did their pouring into the streets cost America?  ZERO.

Let’s make sure we help the media identify who the patriots are in the Battle for America, and who isn’t.

Tea Party Protests Cost To Taxpayers: ZERO



2 Responses to “Occupy Wall Street: A Farce Engineered By 2012 Strategists
October 20, 2011

  1. The “protests” here in Wisconsin consisted mainly of union members, leaders and teachers. I thought this was a bit funny, considering they all HAVE jobs, good paying jobs, at that! If anyone should be protesting, it should be the jobless against these types of overpaid liberal lackies who basically don’t work for their incredibly high pay and luxurious benefits most people won’t see in their lifetime! Their high wages and union backing allows them to slack off, do as they please, and keeps real jobs from real people. Aren’t THESE the very things the protesters claim they are against? This whole idea is such a joke!

  2. We are with you! Occupy Wall Street is owned and operated by those with the most to gain from Obama’s White House. You’re very perceptive Tristine!