No. Carolina Democratic Party: “GOP Is Declaring War On Women”
December 13, 2011

The Democrats are producing expensive videos to try to call attention to reapportionment of districts and politicians in the North Carolina state house. North Carolina has a history of nasty politics in aligning representation and is one of the most litigious states on the subject.

What’s really happening is that, because of the newly-drawn districts, post-2010 Census, two Democratic women Senators are now having to face one another for re-election, instead of running in separate districts, and they don’t like it. The population in North Carolina has changed over the past ten years, and more seats were allotted to African American neighborhoods.

The Democrats are crying out that this is discrimination to women, that women teachers’ jobs and aides jobs are being cut from the state budget, Medicaid and other services to women. But the truth is? Democratic women are fighting for the past, and Republicans for the future.

We have to stop the spending. And stop the spenders from dominating our spending decisions. Governor Beverly Purdue by the way, who appears in this video, has several staffers who have just been called up on fraud charges. She has her Own problems.



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