Joe Biden: Foot In Mouth
November 5, 2011

Biden Stops By Pittsburgh Campus To Teach Students To Expect Others To Pay Their Bills

Vice President Biden, speaking to students at the University of Pittsburgh TAUGHT them that the United States SHOULD be paying for their college educations.  Biden had a mouthful to say to the 500 students gathered (apparently standing room only) including that the attacks on religion in the presidential campaign are “outrageous.”  Biden, a devout Catholic, stated that polling showing that some Americans say they won’t vote for Mitt Romney because of his faith are “embarrassing.”

Biden’s real mission on the Pittsburgh college campus was to tell students that the governments of “other” countries, like China, are not cutting back on education in government budgets.  He said the average student loan bill for U.S. students is about $26,000.

“He told the students that all the Republican presidential campaigns were “saying the same thing: we can’t afford to help you.”

Biden said education is the key to America’s future prosperity and that it makes sense for students and the nation to invest in it. He said the Obama administration has taken several steps to help more young people qualify for such loans, and to reduce the burden of repaying them.

Biden said the average debt of Pitt students who take out loans is $26,000 and that other nations are providing more support to help educate young people.

Biden also mentioned the Occupy Wall Street movement.

“Whether it’s Occupy Wall Street or the discontent on Main Street,” Biden said people all over the country feel the burden of debt isn’t stacked fairly.

We must be wrong on our American history.  We always understood that the Pilgrims came to America without any government aid…….



One Response to “Joe Biden: Foot In Mouth
November 5, 2011

  1. Yep, here he goes…joined with Acorn and Sortas cajoling votes for the Idiot running for president….
    The young vote worked for him in 2008.