In A Year Of Economic Crisis: Five Brilliant Women Are Taking The Helm Of Top U.S. Companies

In tough times, the nation has always turned to women to step forward and provide leadership, strength and stability.  Now national boardrooms are making that choice in a variety of industries.  This week IBM slots 54-year old Virginia Rometty to lead the once, ultimate, conservative, business tools corporation.  She joins a flock of great women who are leading in tough times.  You can read about them all here….

The GOP Beauty Contest Continues

Are we in a beauty contest or a historically-defining race for the presidency?  Well the latest GOP poll is out and the writing on the wall is getting easier and easier to read.  Santorum and Huntsman need to take their seats.  Michele Bachmann still holds out hope for Iowa.  Perry is hanging his hopes on his economic Christmas tree plan.  Cain is riding a wave.  But the man Barack Obama goes to bed thinking about?

Mitt Romney.

I Am The Tea Party….Are You?

A new video from one of the great leaders in the Tea Party movement, Katrina Pierson.  Many reform-minded voters will have some tough choices ahead in 2012.  Vote for the person who best mirrors your brand of conservatism, or the person who most closely mirrors your brand of conservatism….that can WIN.

Steve Forbes Endorses Rick Perry’s Tax Plan

Steve Forbes, former2000 presidential candidate, is the architect of Governor Rick Perry’s economic plan.  Strange bedfellows?  Hard to say.  Here the multi-zillionaire shares his personal endorsement of the new tax plan, which is bound to have accountants take a pencil to it!  Is it perhaps too much of a tax Christmas tree????

Perry Delivers His Tax & Growth Plan…All You Need Is A Postcard!

Thanks to the Tea Party Movement, all of our GOP presidential candidates are talking tax reform!  Today Rick Perry takes a turn, and his plan sounds really attractive!  He dumps all the taxes Americans hate, let’s you take $12,500 for an individual deduction, and he won’t tax your Social Security.  Read it all here.

A Billion Dollars Ought To Do It!

Seriously, we don’t often quote The Huffington Post!  But a slice of hard news made its way onto the front page there, and it reveals just how hefty presidential campaign war chests will need to be to challenge the likes of Barack Obama next year.  Only one candidate among the GOP field has shown the ability to continuously raise millions this year….Mitt Romney, and to a certain extent Rick Perry.  Here are the figures.

Murders Up 23% Over Last Year In NYC

Crime up in New York City?  This year 23% higher than last year?  Law enforcement officials in the Big Apple have their own theory:  OCCUPY WALL STREET.  Michelle Malkin’s Hot reports today just how much all of this deliberately-coordinated “protesting” is costing….YOU.

Coming Soon To A Theater Near You

Thanks to The People’s Cube.Com For this slice of brilliance!

Vice President Joe Biden Opens The Door For 2016 White House Campaign

Don’t go away mad, just go….away?  Joe Biden looks to be the President’s pick to march arm and arm through the 2012 Democratic Convention.  But is Vice President Biden already looking towards 2016?  In the Obama administration, so populated with people trying to dodge scandals, the Vice President has to fight to make headlines!   Read what Reuters has to say about Biden’s future.

First Lady Michelle Obama Campaigns…For The U.S. Supreme Court

The White House generally keeps The First Lady under wraps because her liberal perspectives too often require presidential damage control.  This week, campaigning in Rhode Island, Michelle Obama telegraphed one of the most important missions of the Obama 2012 presidential campaign.  GET THE SUPREME COURT FOR THE LEFT.    Read her plain speak.  Gun Control, Gay Marriage, Healthcare, School Choice and other cultural issues are just one vote away from being completely transformed in America….if Obama wins.