The Morning Mix…or Noon Mix As The Case May Be!

Today’s Quick Mix of Morning headlines and chat…Turn on your TIVO or DVR for tonite’s Presidential Debate.

It’s becoming a regular reality show!



Taliban Attacks on 9-11 In Afghanistan

The Taliban leaves its mark on 9 – 11.  While Americans mourned in the U.S.  a massive car bomb injures 77 Americans in East Afghanistan.  The enemy is still there, should we….be there?

The Hearts of Americans

The Americans who rose to the occasion on 9 – 11, who rushed up stairwells, who said prayers on cell phones, who waited to die with wheelchair-bound colleagues on the highest floors, have permanent places in the hearts of Americans and their acts of courage uniting them with history.

Our enemies never learn.

One Look Back…At Evil

We are well-served to also look back at the evil behind this attack, and this narcisisstic moment captured of Osama Bin Laden….is a reminder of how fortunate we are.  He is gone.

Lessons of 9-11…We’re Still Learning

Michelle Malkin is MAD about the way public schools are “re-educating” kids about 9-11 and Islam….and she’s right.   The chapters on Islam in our history books are now three times longer than those on Christianity.

Take A Deep Breath….And Relive.


No prayers at the 9-11 Memorial?  Impossible.

Watch and Remember.


The Woman Pilot Ordered To Die On 9-11…To Save The Capitol

Stop your day.  Watch these two videos sharing the valor of one woman, a new Air National Guard pilot, Major Heather Penny, and her frightening assignment to take down the fourth hijacked passenger plane as it headed towards Washington, D.C.   A testimony of the many quiet ways women are the anchor of America, in good times and in bad.

Why You Have To Love Sarah Palin

The Kitchen Cabinet’s Sonja Eddings Brown discovers  The New York Times paying Sarah Palin a compliment!  Palin called out Washington leaders for being on the gravy train and, as usual, she was right.  Must read.

MSNBC Debate An Embarrassment of Riches

Republicans have an embarrassment of riches:  talent emerging from every city and every state to try to reverse the direction of the country.  Here’s why conservative women should have hope about 2012.

GOP Debate Reveals The Truth

By the end of September, viewers will have seen five GOP presidential debates in just months.  Enough already!  The cable news networks need to pair down the field so that voters have a chance to hear meaningful dialogue, not just parting shots and one-liners.